Soundtronics Posted on Sep 11, 2017
web design north carolina

Wilmington electronics company, Soundtronics, launched their new brand and website this week. The full-service audio and video sales and installation company wanted to improve their online presence and boost their brand awareness. Local web firm, WebWorks89, designed and developed the new website and logo to cater to their technology savvy customers.

Keeping up with technology is in their DNA. Soundtronics has been providing home and automotive technology solutions for 27 years. For that reason, upgrading their site using the latest web and design trends was important. “Their clients tend to be knowledgeable about technology,” said Ray Rogers, Owner of WebWorks89. “That’s why they needed an informative, easy to navigate website that is accessible across all devices”.

Before the web design could begin new branding was needed. Soundtronics’ signature “atom” and burgundy color scheme would stay, but a more modern font and redesigned layout was incorporated into the new logo. The redesigned font and color scheme was used throughout the site bringing it all together. The new logo and website is a great way for customers to find out more about the services Soundtronics has to offer.

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