Noel Shuffle

# Posted on Nov 29, 2016
web page companies

Get into the Holiday Spirit with Noel Shuffle; a new Christmas Tradition!

The Noel Shuffle is a children’s book and holiday challenge which brings families together during the Christmas season.  The game and book were created and written by Wilmington, North Carolina resident, Jane Rogers.  “My family has enjoyed the Noel Shuffle tradition for years,” said Jane. “We have found it to be a great way for our children to bond together during the holiday season”. Jane is so excited to finally share her book and holiday challenge with the world.

Jane needed a website with eCommerce capabilities. We chose a platform that would give her the flexibility to sell her product online, but also at local holiday markets and events. The WordPress based website works with an integrated point of sale program (POS). She is able to take payments via credit card when she’s out, and manage inventory for all points of sale through one platform.

Noel Shuffle also uses WebWorks89 marketing offerings, including monthly blog posts and press release writing services.

You can find the Noel Shuffle on her website, or locally at New River Pottery and at Mike’s Farm in Beulaville, N.C.

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