Taking Out the Trash

Posted on Jul 28, 2015

Axon Disposals New Website Cleans up Nicely

For Immediate Release:

Wilmington, NC – July 28, 2015 – As an expert in waste removal, Axon Disposal Services have recently begun to apply this expertise virtually through web design. Located just outside of Wilmington, Axon Disposal’s new website has hauled away old garbage, just as they have for residents of Hampstead for over 20 years now.

Starting April 21st of this year, Google has begun to reward responsive websites, and penalize outdated, less capable ones. Responsive Websites are flexible websites that stretch to the different molds of smart phones, tablets or laptops. This ensures for an organized structure that promotes a user friendly experience. These sites not only adjust to screen size, but also allow for added features like plug-ins that boost a websites function. The new Axon Disposal website models these concepts in strong fashion. By teaming up with webworks89, a Wilmington based digital solutions company, Axon Disposal now has a website that can be easily navigated. This responsive website makes it more likely for them to appear on Google searches that regard keywords such as “Hampstead waste” or “Hampstead recycling service,” because Google knows that it is sending a user to a high functioning website. On Axon Disposal’s site, users will see tabs that link them to an about us page, disposal service page, careers as well as billing options pages. These pages contain content that details their services and the role they serve within the community.

Axon Disposal stresses the importance of convenience for all over their customers. Their aim is to make trash an afterthought for their clients that they can take off of their hands. This principle of convenience was incorporated into their new website. Here, users have the option to pay online through a secure network. This gives Axon Disposal the ability to protect the confidentiality of their client’s information while making fast and simple online payments safe. They’ve also incorporated an electronic calendar that will show what the pick-up days are for trash or recycling. All these tactics give Axon Disposal an edge over the competition, and subsequently, the chance to follow through on their promise to customers.

This family owned business is trusted, and takes pride being a neighborly staple in Hampstead. It’s only natural that the Axon Disposal Service website is as clean as the community it has served for multiple decades.

axon web page

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